HeadshotI have never been sure if I am drawn to people that want to talk about their lives or if people that want to talk are drawn to me. Most of my life from high school to today has been spent listening to my friends, coworkers, and customers.

I have a wife and three children two of whom are adults now and the third is young but growing up so fast. I have been divorced, single, and remarried. I have lived with wealth and without and found happiness in both.  I have been listening to people’s needs and wants both in person and on the phone for 20 years in service and in sales. It all seems to come down to asking what you want from the situation you are in and how can I help get you there. I have also trained in NLP and the 3 principals methods of coaching. I think they merge seamlessly together to create a way of helping you develop the space needed too grow and accept who and what you are in the now.

I believe that everyone knows what they want out of life. It's not up to me as your life coach to tell you what you want or how to get what you want. It’s up to me to make sure that you are asking yourself all of the right questions. To make sure that you feel empowered about your life and you’re potential.

I want to help you achieve your small and large goals so if you want a coach in your corner please call or text me at 785-727-9966 to schedule an appointment.